President of the Republic of Cyprus needs to explain what exactly he means by his announcement to suspend the examination of asylum applications

AKEL: The President of the Republic needs to explain what exactly he means by his announcement to suspend the examination of asylum applications
14 April 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia
The President of the Republic should explain what exactly he means by his announcement to suspend the examination of applications from citizens of Syrian origin.
If he means that the Republic of Cyprus will not accept asylum applications, then he should explain on what basis he will implement this decision. Such a decision would be subject to the procedure provided for in Article 78(3) of the Treaty on European Union for the adoption of provisional measures by the Council on a proposal from the European Commission and after a co-decision with the European Parliament. Has such a procedure been followed?
If the President of the Republic means that he will stop examining applications that means that asylum applications will be submitted but will not be examined. This will simply multiply the number of pending applications, as well as appeals, to the Court of International Protection.
AKEL reiterates its position for the promotion of a request from the Republic of Cyprus for the sharing of refugees due to the crisis in the Middle East among all EU member states, as was done in the case of the Ukrainian refugees.

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