City of London Police officers help catch loose horses
At around 8.40am, City of London Police were called to an incident involving a number of loose horses that were travelling through the City. Two horses were located and stopped by City of London Police and Metropolitan Police officers on The Highway near Limehouse.
Inspector Myles Hilbery, City of London Police said:
“This was a dynamic incident and the courageous actions taken by police officers from our Roads Policing team prevented further harm and distress to the horses and members of the public. Police Constables Lucy Hawes and Daniel McKeown risked their own safety to provide first aid to the injured and anxious horses. They kept the horses calm while waiting for a horse box and veterinary team to arrive.
“PCs Brett Daniels and Chris Wilson took over management of traffic control on the busy arterial road enabling PCs Rob Bray and Shaun Gurney on motorbikes to create a clear path for the horses to be safely led into the horse box and escorted back to the Army barracks for urgent medical care.”
“Our thoughts are with those people and horses injured in the incident.”
A London Ambulance Service spokesperson said:
“We responded to several calls regarding an incident with horses on the loose in central London this morning (24 April).
“We sent multiple resources to the three scenes including ambulance crews, paramedics in response cars, and an incident response officer.
“We treated four patients in total and took them all to hospital and have now been stood down.”
All further media enquiries should be directed to the Ministry of Defence.
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