Households and businesses have been brought to their knees by poverty

AKEL: Households and businesses have been brought to their knees by poverty

Support not promises is demanded

15 February 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The latest figures released by the General Accountant Office for 2023 confirm the big increase in government revenues due to price increases/expensiveness, at the same time as Cyprus still lags far behind in supporting society compared to other EU member states.

Last October, the Nicos Christodoulides government announced a series of support measures to calm the reactions and pressure exerted by society.

Today, five months later, key measures have not been implemented. We are still waiting for the implementation of the announcements on the housing interest rate subsidy scheme, on the new housing plans, while we note the serious delays observed with regards the ‘Photovoltaics for All’ scheme.

The government is also called upon to reply to the questions raised regarding the electricity and fuel measures. Will the government extend the measures or end them as it misguidedly and erroneously did last July.

Households and businesses have been brought to their knees by price increases/expensiveness. They need support, not promises.


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