Policies to develop talent in sport in Cyprus are being promoted, says Education Minister
All the necessary policies and actions are being adopted to promote talent in sport and to ensure an environment with equal opportunities and equal participation for all, said Minister of Education, Sports and Youth, Athena Michaelidou, in her address at the “OPAP Lemesia 2023” Awards ceremony for Outstanding Athletes and Teams held in Limassol on Wednesday.
The Minister Michaelidou noted that in the course of their more than two decades of organisation, the “Lemesia” have succeeded, through a wide range of activities, to highlight athletes as role models of performance and ethics, to highlight the importance of sport and to point out the value of the principles and ideals that sport stands for.
The Minister said that “recognising the importance and multiple benefits that arise from involvement in sport, as the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, we are promoting a coherent policy that works in this direction”.
She said that among the plans adopted for the progress and development of Cypriot sport, are the continuous upgrading of school sport, the strengthening of sports education, the creation of a sports culture from childhood, the upgrading of sports infrastructure, the promotion of lifelong exercise and the rational financing of sports federations.
The Minister said that taking into account the fact that Cyprus has great talents, all the necessary policies and actions are being promoted to bring out these talents and to ensure an environment with equal opportunities, equal capabilities and equal participation for all.
In addition, she said, the ministry is investing in the multi-faceted support of athletes who excel, as well as supporting the goal of creativity, innovation and excellence in sport.
She pointed out that sports schools are now a recognised and successful institution, which has been embraced by children, parents and society at large, with today’s special awards proving the point.
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