Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots say “NO” to NATO guarantees for the solution of the Cyprus problem

Findings of a Eurobarometer survey reveal:
Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots say “NO” to NATO guarantees for the solution of the Cyprus problem

Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots together say “NO” to the prospect of NATO having a say and a role in any guarantees in the event of a solution to the Cyprus problem, according to a major survey conducted by the European Parliament (Eurobarometer). It seems that citizens trust the EU to a greater extent. And if this is perhaps to be expected for the Greek Cypriots (who have very negative memories of the role NATO played in the coup and subsequent Turkish invasion of 1974 and a clearly more positive image of the EU due to the country’s participation over the last 20 years), the findings for the Turkish Cypriots are rather surprising, as they contradict the Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar’s propaganda.
As the survey shows, 71% of the Greek Cypriots and 57% of the Turkish Cypriots do not trust NATO. It should be noted that the percentage of those who have stated that they trust NATO amounted to just 19% for Greek Cypriots and 27% for Turkish Cypriots (Note: 10% and 16% respectively did not take a position).

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