New Salamis Youth wìn U13 Championship
New Salamis Youth FC
Win the league, U13 White finished the season at HMH and literally smoked the whole season with a whopping 18 games win, 2 draws, zero L’s in 20 games finishing the season undefeated, making it a first title win for our Salamis Youth division.
Coaches K & Muzo and the team joined the club 3 games into the season and played catch up, the league requested them to start at the bottom yet they finished at the top, removing their cup wins from the start of the season due to a club change from that point on every single fixture they received was the higher end of the table to start with then mid and only to the end of the season the lower end of the table and mid again it was as if the fixtures were against them from the get go however ever single fixture got played, some good games were played this season the Salamis double header was an amazing day for our club, filled with positivity and a very competitive game for New Salamis U13 Whites and U13 Reds, whilst the players supported one another by picking each other up after any hard challenge, to Lino and ref banter and clapping parents, whilst coaches K the clubs welfare officer, Coach Muzo and Youth chairman and vice-chair/head of youth Ban & Mario had the best sideline coffees in the clubs history, the positive day gave both teams the right edge to win their last games against AFC Southgate, Omonia and HMH.
The whites only won 2 games last season so this is a huge reward to them as a whole, our top goal scorers parent said this ‘thank you K and Muzo without your vision, effort and support this would not have been possible’
This is the Whites first season with New Salamis and they have been crowned the champs which is the first title of many more for our Youth Division, it’s been a good season, we continue to grow as a club and are also now an Accredited Club part of England Football.
If you require further info about the club or would like to join please get in touch here: [email protected]
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