We’re looking for the views of residents, businesses, parents and school staff on proposals for six new School Streets in Enfield

We’re looking for the views of residents, businesses, parents and school staff on proposals for six new School Streets in the borough.
A ‘School Street’ is an area transformed into a pedestrian and cycling zone operating Monday to Friday during the school term, during set times at drop-off and pick-up times.
School Streets aim to ensure the safety of students as they arrive to and leave school; improve the air quality near the school, and encourage more young people to walk and cycle to school.
You can share your views with us in three ways:
By email: [email protected]
By post: Healthy Streets, Enfield Council, Silver Street EN1 3XA.
By completing a survey: https://letstalk.enfield.gov.uk/SchoolStreets
Please include the reference TG1500.
The closing date for all comments and objections is Sunday 19 June at 23:59.

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