Thousands of pupils, teachers and parents in a militant mass march to the Cyprus Presidential palace
Thousands of pupils, teachers and parents in a militant mass march to the Presidential palace in protest over the dogmatic insistence of the DISY government on quarterly exams.
Among the slogans shouted were “Take it back”, “Students won’t bow down” and “No to quarterly exams” as pupils again took to the streets, continuing their struggle against the victimization of a whole generation of young people.
Speeches were made from representatives of the school pupil’s student organisation PSEM.
Pupils have continued their struggle this time marching together with their teachers and parents, demanding the abolition of the quarterly exams system which they believe is exercising undue pressure, in psychological and academic terms.
The Education Ministry and DISY government completely isolated still refuse to recognise that the entire process is problematic, insisting on imposing a policy that “has victimised thousands of students, destabilised the operation of school units and put additional strain on thousands of teachers” as pupils have pointed out.
Particularly affected are Lyceum students that are graduating in their final years, given that they stress that quarterly exams have been implemented in the backround of an ongoing pandemic which have negatively affected the educational process as to what they’ve have been able to learn, bearing in mind that they have been forced to miss many classes.
AKEL on its part has prepared a proposal for the abolition of quarterly exams that it will be put forth in a special session this coming Wednesday in the Parliamentary Education Affairs Committee.
AKEL, along with the EDON Youth organisation and the progressive pupil’s organisation of PEOM, as well as the Progressive Movant of Students have fully supported with consistency the school pupil’s struggles and demands both inside and outside Parliament.
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