All the over indulgence, television watching, or just relaxing and doing very little over the festive period, may have shown a little on the waistline, with some clothing becoming a little more snug. Hopefully, with a resort back to healthy eating and some regular exercise, all should resume back to normality in no time. However, this healthy eating should be a lifestyle, not a way and means as a diet just for losing weight.
Eating healthily is easy nowadays as everything is accessible, with keeping flavours and tastebuds happy and all the variable sweet and savoury alternatives to our favourite foods. There are no excuses as foods are peeled, chopped, cut and sliced, and even frozen for quick preparation, so there is no possibility in feeling as though one is missing out on all those tasty foods. With the different ways of cooking and all those amazing technology cooking gadgets from air fryers to waffle makers, and selected choice of ingredients, we don’t miss out.
It is the same for drinks; when it comes to those old, sugar laden beverages, many now have the sugar free alternative and even with the choice of what type of alternative sweetener used. So let’s take advantage of all this and make it a habit to just live well.
With the food side sorted, the only thing to add is the exercise regime. The choice is personal, as to what would work for any individual and their own particular lifestyle commitments. The importance is to make it regular and to enjoy it, as if it is enjoyed, it will give the enthusiasm to want to do it and feel as though you are missing out if you don’t do it, rather than finding excuses not to do something, which let’s face it, in the winter months getting out in the cold again after going home and getting comfortable in the warmth, can be a task in itself.
The answer is then simple, find the activities you really love to do so that you won’t want to miss it. I really detest the cold weather, but I would definitely find a way out the door and into the cold if it means any involvement with dance or martial arts. So what will pull you up and out the door with a drive force to avoid missing what you love to do? That is the answer to your choice in physical activity, be it a brisk walk or run with a friend, or regularly walking the dog in a park, finding something active to do shouldn’t be too difficult. Dance classes, boxing, kickboxing classes, swimming, skating, soccer, baseball, bicycle riding, bowling – of course these are just a few, however there are many more and many can be simulated at a gym, like cycling, they can also be done with others, which is sometimes a lot easier as one can motivate the other.
Joining a gym is a great idea in itself, as you have the benefits of motivational support from others, the choice of attending classes like spin, combat, circuit and dance. All these are great for cardiovascular exercise and essential for our heart and well-being.
Other benefits of the gym is of course to use the weight training facilities with the choice of the machine equipment, along with free weights for muscular strength and to improve muscle tone. Working out with others in any way can also be very social, so combining your activity with friends is a great way of socialising too.
Get out there and get physical!

Love and Sparkles
Samsara x

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