The centre at 48 Station Road, Wood Green, N22 7TY is now operational and will run five days a week.
It will be open Tuesday to Friday from noon until 7pm and on Saturdays from 10am until 5pm.
Until now, people have been advised to only book a test if they are showing one of the main symptoms.
They are a high temperature; a new and continuous cough; or a loss of change in their sense of smell or taste.
If you have any of these symptoms do not come to the walk-in centre. Please book a test via NHS Test and Trace by calling 119 or via the GOV.UK website (external link).
However, around a third of people who have the virus are asymptomatic, that is they do not show any signs of having it.
To help stop the spread, the new tests will be able to offer results in as little as 30 minutes – these are called rapid or lateral flow tests (LFT).
While the tests will be able to detect if you have COVID-19 and are infectious they cannot tell if you have had the virus in the past, or if you have only recently picked it up.
But they will go a long way to helping identify people who do not know they have it and are, unknowingly, passing it on to their friends, family, work mates as well as spreading it within their own community.
Because we want to reach the people most at risk, the tests are being offered to everyone but particularly to all frontline workers who come into direct contact with the public day-to-day and those that regularly have to use public transport.
If you have a smartphone please bring it with you as this will help speed up registration.
By reducing the number of people who are accidentally spreading the virus we will help Haringey and London back on the road to a lower tier.
This is a walk-in centre and you will not need to make a booking.
More centres are planned for Haringey over the coming weeks. Details will follow soon.