The President of the Republic of Cyprus expressed absolute satisfaction with the Conclusions on Eastern Mediterranean

The President of the Republic, Nikos Anastasiades, expressed his absolute satisfaction over the Conclusions of the European Council on the Eastern Mediterranean after the meeting concluded its deliberations in Brussels.

President Anastasiades in his statements following the Summit, President said that “taking into account the stated position of a small number of EU Member States, which without ignoring the systematic delinquency of Turkey, consider that the choice of diplomatic dialogue is the appropriate way, against the imposition of sectoral sanctions, I must say that I am fully satisfied with the European Council Conclusions on the Eastern Mediterranean.”

The President pointed out that in the paragraph 28 of the agreed text it is stated and reiterated that, despite its claims to the contrary, “Turkey engages in unilateral and provocative actions and at the same time escalates its rhetoric against the EU, the Member States and European Leaders”.

It is also stressed that “unilateral provocative Turkish actions in the Eastern Mediterranean continue, including in the exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Cyprus, while calling on Turkey to deescalate tensions”, the President noted.

Furthermore the President recalls that paragraph 29 “states that a positive approach to EU-Turkey relations remains a prospect, meaning – and I emphasize this – that Turkey will show a sincere readiness to resolve any disputes through dialogue, always in accordance with international law”.

“The need for Turkey to implement its commitments on immigration management vis-a -vis all EU Member States is further highlighted,” he notes.

“Paragraph 30, and on the basis of the Decisions of the European Council of 1 and 2 October, reiterates the determination of the EU to defend its interests as well as those of its Member States, in order to achieve regional stability”, the President points out.

The President also stressed that “for the above purpose – and this is important – the EU Council is called upon to adopt additional registrations, ie additional sanctions against persons, based on the Decision of 11 November 2019, due to the ongoing drillings of Turkey. At the same time, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the European Commission are invited to submit a report with proposals and options for the management of the findings that will be made by the March 2021 Summit at the latest.”

The President explained that “in paragraph 31, Turkey`s unilateral actions in Varosha are explicitly condemned and Turkey is called upon to fully comply with Security Council Resolutions 550 and 789.”

“At the same time, the European Council reiterates its support for a speedy resumption of the negotiations, under the auspices of the UN, and remains fully committed to a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem within the parameters of the United Nations and in accordance with the General Assembly and the Security Council resolutions on Cyprus,, Nikos Anastasiadis notes.

“At the same time, the European Council reiterates its readiness, at the start of negotiations, under the auspices of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, to appoint an EU Representative to the UN Good Offices,” he said.

“I have mentioned the most important points included in the Conclusions. At this point I would like to emphasize that none of the three drafts that were released during the two days were satisfactory and their provisions were not related to the final text of the Conclusions that finally was adopted,” he clarified.

“Finally, I would like to express my warm thanks, both to the Prime Minister of Greece Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the President of the French Republic Mr. Emanuel Macron, and to many other friends Leaders, who contributed to the formation of the final Conclusions”, he concluded.

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