Hertfordshire moves to Tier 2 High Alert level
As Hertfordshire moves into Tier 2 or High Alert Level on Wednesday 2 December, please make sure you know what the Tier 2 restrictions mean.
Here are some of the key points:
Shops, gyms and personal care services will all reopen.The rule of six will apply in outdoor public spaces.Bars, pubs and restaurants – Can only serve alcohol with substantial meals. Last orders at 10pm and close by 11pm.Overnight stays – Permitted with household or support bubble.Weddings and funerals – 15 guests for weddings, civil partnerships, wedding receptions and wakes; 30 for funerals.
Your local officers have been and will continue to work with local council staff to ensure that the Government’s regulations to prevent the spread of coronavirus are being adhered to. Dedicated patrols are visiting busy areas, bus and train stations, businesses, parks, schools and responding to COVID-related calls.
If you believe someone may be breaching the COVID-19 regulations, you can report information online, speak to an operator in our Force Communications Room via our online web chat or call the non-emergency number 101.
You can ask your local council to investigate a business or organisation for not following the Government’s COVID-19 regulations by reporting it to them online.
Please ensure you understand GOV.UK’s guidance before you report a possible breach via your local borough or district council. If you’re not sure which district you’re in, you can use the county council website’s postcode finder.
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