A progressive budget in difficult times – Haringey residents, have your say
A budget that invests in young people, supports the most vulnerable and seeks to build the local economy, is being proposed by Haringey Council – and residents and businesses are asked for their views.
It will come as no surprise that the global Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the budgets of local authorities across the country, including in Haringey. Following a decade of Central Government austerity, council budgets were already stretched, but on top of that, in the current year, the gross financial impact of the pandemic on the council is around £40millon compared to what Haringey had planned to spend. The challenge has been truly unprecedented.
Despite this, the council has still managed to set out a progressive budget proposal for next year, at a time of great hardship. This budget – which continues the council’s work to create a fairer and more equal borough – includes additional resources in 2021/22 for:
Free Schools Meals – £300k
A Welfare Assistance Scheme – £300k
Haringey’s local Voluntary and Community Sector – £250k
Youth Services – £250k
Haringey University Bursary Scheme – £120k over the next three years
Recruitment of local people – £100k over the next two years
The council is also proposing to invest a further £8.6million, primarily to meet care needs in Adults’ and Children’s services. And Haringey’s capital programme will see more than £90million of additional investment to address community needs and invest for the long-term.
This includes creating a Wood Green Youth Hub, continuing with school building improvement works, increasing investment in roads and pavements, expanding the strategy to tackle empty homes, completing the refurbishment of Pendarren House to ensure children continue to have access to residential outdoor education courses, replacement of the Adult Social Care IT system, delivering the Good Economy Plan, implementing the Alternative (school) Provision Strategy and completing the refurbishment of the Civic Centre, creating a public building for all to be proud of.
These plans are only possible through an increase in council tax income. This draft budget proposes a general council tax increase of 1.99% and a further Adult Social Care Precept of 3%, which gives a total council tax charge increase of 4.99%. The increase for a Band D property (excluding the GLA element) is £1.32 per household per week. The Council Tax Reduction Scheme continues, meaning Haringey’s least well-off residents and care leavers up to the age of 25, pay no council tax at all.
Cllr Joseph Ejiofor, Leader of Haringey Council, said: “The impact of the global pandemic has been felt in every home, business and community in our borough. What began as a public health crisis swiftly became a food crisis, a housing crisis, an education crisis and an economic crisis. With our partners and communities, the council stepped up – from delivering urgent food parcels to finding emergency accommodation – unsure if we’d ever get the money back from Government.
“Despite these challenges, I am proud that we have developed a draft budget in line with our values. We will support the vulnerable, build the houses we need, create opportunities for our young people, build our economy, and ensure a cleaner, greener Haringey. To do this, we also need to raise Council Tax. Once again, following a decade of austerity, we call on the Government to properly fund local councils. Throughout the pandemic, as always, our communities have done Haringey proud. As a council we are committed to delivering for our communities too, and to building a fairer and more equal borough for all.”
This consultation is now live and runs to 14 January 2021. Haringey Council’s Cabinet will meet in February 2021 to recommend a budget to Full Council.
Once the budget is agreed, more detailed delivery plans will be drawn up. Where these plans might have an impact on individuals who use those services, they will be subject to appropriate consultation before any final implementation decisions are made. For more information and to take part in the consultation, visit: www.haringey.gov.uk/budgetconsultation
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