Mike Tyson and the Cyprus flag

With Mike Tyson making a return to the ring we thought we would share Yiannis Panayi story.
For Yiannis, Tyson was his favourite boxer… he was so ferocious the fight was won before it even started… He was a fan for many years then he finally got a chance to meet him at the London Film and Comic Con 2010, where he was promoting his latest DVD release.
Mike Tyson was pleasantly surprised when he met Yiannis… The first thing Yiannis remembers was when shaking his hand was the size of his wrists, even many years after his prime, Tyson was huge and wouldn’t want to mess with him! What surprised Yiannis the most was, despite being told that he couldn’t, Tyson ignored the committee stewards and was more than happy to pose with the Cyprus flag. He took several seconds studying the Cypriot flag and was asking me Yiannis Cyprus itself, its location and what it was like to visit. He then instigated a conversation about Greece and Macedonia and showed there is more to the man that meets the eye… You hear stories of people being disappointed when they meet their idols, not Yiannis , he showed him that you should never judge a book by it’s cover and was happy to show his Love for Cyprus!
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