Labour councillors call on Barnet Council to boost foodbank supplies
Barnet’s Labour councillors have raised concerns that foodbanks do not have sufficient supplies to meet demand in the ongoing pandemic, with some running out of food before the end of the week.
Labour Childs Hill councillor, Anne Clarke, raised the issue at this week’s Adults & Safeguarding Committee (23 Nov) in a member’s item on food poverty. She called on the Council to provide more to foodbanks from its essential supplies and services hub to ensure that older people and families in need had access to food. She has also submitted a similar item to the next Children, Education & Safeguarding Committee (30 Nov).
The Adults & Safeguarding Committee agreed to refer the matter to the Policy & Resources Committee (8 Dec).
Cllr Clarke said: “There is a huge amount of need at foodbanks across the Borough, but they don’t all have sufficient funding and the local support structure to ensure they can meet the growing need. We also need an essential supplies hub on the west of the Borough in addition to the one in East Barnet.
“Community groups and volunteers do a brilliant job running these foodbanks, but they rely on donations and there is always the worry that supplies will run out as the number of people self-isolating grows with the increase in Covid cases.
“The pandemic is ongoing so we really do need a more strategic approach and can’t just rely on public donations and our stretched voluntary and community sector organisations.
“I hope the Council can urgently look at this and put in place whatever measures are necessary to ensure foodbanks have what they need.”
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