With the festive season approaching in full swing, many people should hopefully have some time off to enjoy. However when you have done all the eating, drinking and being merry, why not start afresh and work it all off by exercising your body and refreshing your mind for clear, positive and productive thinking. It will help to build the mental strength you need to become the best version of yourself.

It has been stated that being physically surrounded by lots of clutter, puts extra force on the mind to work overtime. Too much clutter constantly signals the brain that there is an overload of work to be done, which can be mentally exhausting. As you get to work and start to declutter your surroundings, your mind starts to relax, as it also becomes decluttered. So utilise some time over the holiday break and get organised for some clear thinking.

Start by writing your list of what needs to be done. Simply writing things down already is once step in the right direction as you are not then putting your mind on think alert in order to try and remember what has to be done.

Write down the rooms or areas, be it bedroom, living room, kitchen, any cupboards or wardrobes that need attention. Having a clean and tidy bedroom helps promote a better sleeping pattern. So a clean bedroom is a good start.

Put on some music or if you are in a room with a TV, put it on for some company; you can even put on a movie so it won’t even feel like a chore. As you start cleaning and clearing things way, start getting organised by putting things in categories so you can easily find them when needed. Box away anything that you are not sure about, anything that may give you sad or bad memories. Get these things out of sight so they do not hinder your happy thoughts. Leave things out on display that are functional to you, or give you pleasure as you find them beautiful, give you happy memories or motivate you for current and future projects ahead.

Things that may look untidy on display can be hidden away in cupboards or pretty boxes to match your decor.

Be creative and arty; I have a corner dedicated to my creative flurry where I can take solace and retreat to, but does not interfere with my other clean and tidy space.

How organised you want to get is up to you, but the more organised the space around you, the more organised and free your mind will be. You will know where everything is when you want the items. Some of us even colour co-ordinate in wardrobes or keep short or long items in sections, e.g. short boots or long boots. Whatever works for each person individually to find things readily and be accessible when required, is what works.

I like everything where I can find it, when I want it. So being organised works for me. It may be a little over the top to some people, but I find that if I have a place for everything, I rarely lose things.

Once you have done, even one area or room, it will make you feel better from within, like a breath of fresh air. It will help you deal with and be more assertive with work or any decisions in a more effective manner in so many fields of your life. So get cleaning and gleaming, to get that spring in your step with clearer thinking and productivity.


Love and Sparkles

Samsara x



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