Turkish Cypriot daily Afrika newspaper (03.12.13) reports that Sener Elcil, the general secretary of KTOS (Turkish Cypriot Primary Teachers Trade Union) strongly criticized the statements made by the Turkish Minister Responsible of EU Affairs Egemen Bagis who accused Cypriots of being stubborn and tenacious, like mules.
Elcil said that the statements made by Turkish officials are without any concern for appropriateness and stated that mules can also kick.
Elcil went on and said the following: “They keep Varosha closed, they transfer population in the island usurping our political rights, and they are looting the Greek Cypriot properties. They changed the names of the places by force, they have created a puppet regime which is connected to them, and police is bind to them. The [Turkish] ambassador is interfering in any of our jobs, the Turkish Cypriot community is subject to culture assimilation due to the Quran lessons the mosques and the complex of buildings adjacent to mosques”, Elcil said and noted: It seems Bagis who says that wants solution conveniently forgets all these.