Cyprus: No solution in sight”Under the above title, columnist Sahin Alpay writing in Today’s Zaman (11.12.11, online) argues that opinions over the Cyprus problem are pessimistic and writes, inter alia, the following:

“[…] A solution on the island seems so far away that when Alexander Downer, special representative for UN, stated recently in a television interview that a federal solution would be no longer on the agenda, neither side reacted. However, all this does not mean that efforts towards finding a solution will completely stop. The Turkish [Cypriot] side surely wants to free itself from the international isolation imposed upon it, and the Greek [Cypriot] side is not at all giving up its claims on property in the north.

There are some who believe that the rich natural gas reserves under the Mediterranean will induce all parties and all major international players to reach a solution on the island. Another optimistic view is that if Nicos Anastasiades wins the presidential elections in February 2013, no one should be surprised when he agrees on a settlement with Eroglu on the following terms: A loose federation with Turkey as guarantor for the North, Greece for the South, and the EU for the entirety of Cyprus. It looks like hopes for a solution on the island are postponed until at least February 2013.”

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