Data on the financial aid and donations given by Turkey to the breakaway regime for 2011Under its front-page title: “Investments of 265 million TL and 12 new mosques”, Turkish Cypriot daily Havadis (31.05.11) reports on a protocol signed between Turkey and the occupation regime regarding the financial sources to be provided by Ankara to the occupied area of Cyprus for the 2011 fiscal year. The protocol was signed between the Turkish State Minister responsible for Cyprus and Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Cicek and the so-called prime minster of the breakaway regime Irsen Kucuk, in the framework of the “economic and financial cooperation protocol for the period 2010-2012” signed on 5 November 2009.
According to the paper, the total amount to be allocated for the investments reaches 265 million Turkish Liras, and as it is foreseen, this amount will be used for the improvement of various sectors as well as for new investments. As it is noted, the so-called finance ministry of the occupation regime will give an account for the use of every financial resource. Specifically, upon the completion of the projects, an expenditures document will be prepared by the responsible “departments” and will be examined and approved by the Special Advisors of the Aid Delegation.
As it is reported, the total financial aid send by Turkey to the breakaway regime for 2011 reaches,78 TL, from which the 625.410.525,33 TL regards the donations. Particularly, from the total amount of the donations, 216.961.205,05 TL were allocated to defence, 265.497.120,38 TL to infrastructure projects (88.422.000,00 TL to be utilised by the Turkish Republic and the rest 177,075,120,38 TL to be utilised by the so-called government), 100 million TL to the real sector and 42.952.199,90 to incentive credits. In addition, inter alia, 498.745.793,45 TL were allocated to credits, of which the 325 million TL were allocated to the “public sector”.
According to the protocol, in the framework of the “improvement programme for the religious services”, 7.168.000,00 TL are expected to be allocated for the construction of 12 new mosques at the occupied areas of Limnia, Argaki, Exometochi, Orka, Tavros, Kapouti, Agios Georgios Kerynias, Mia Milia, Lyssi, Thermia, Kioneli and “Lefkosia’s industrial zone”.