A BLUE badge cheat was fined £1,000 for illegally using his father’s disability badge to park in Enfield Town.
Zahir Badat, from Gloucester, was parked in a disabled bay at Wilford Close, Enfield Town, on June 20 last year when
he was spotted by Enfield Council’s blue badge investigation team.
Questioning led officers to believe that Badat was using a blue badge illegally.
Badat denied the allegations throughout, but was found guilty at Enfield Magistrates’ Court of blue badge misuse and fined £1,090.
Chris Bond, Enfield Council’s cabinet member for environment, said: “Blue badge cheats sadly epitomise an increasingly ‘me me me’ society which runs against all the values this council holds. We will clamp down hard on anyone cheating disabled people out of their rightful parking place.”

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