Many candidates of Greek origin will be involved in the Federal Canadian Elections to be held on the 2nd of May.
A notable participation, under the Conservative party for Parry Sound – Muskoka region in Ontario, is the participation of Cypriot origin candidate, Tony Clement (pictured above). He previously served as Health Minister, while from 2008 he served as Industry Minister in the Conservative party’s minority government.
Constantine Kyriakides, also a Cypriot a lawyer, is a candidate under the Conservative party in Ahuntsic, Montreal. Damianos Constantinakos is a candidate in Ottawa, where he was born and raised.
Costas Menegakis, SAE Canada President, is a candidate for the Conservative party in Richmond Hill, Ontario, while George Nikolaou is also a candidate for the same party in the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Dr. Marie Bountroyanni, is a candidate under the Liberal Party for Hamilton Mountain region, having served as Provincial Minister in Ontario.
MPs John Kannis and Jim Kariyannis will be re-claiming their seats for Scarborough Centre and Scarborough – Agincourt regions, respectively. Both MPs have contributed towards Greek national issues, while they were part of the Liberal government, but also from their seats in opposition.
Niki Ashton is a candidate under the New – Democrat Party in Churchill, Manitoba. She is the second youngest woman to be elected in the Canadian Parliament in 2008.
Anastasia Zaravella is also a candidate for the New Democrat Party in Wellington – Halton Hills region, currently serving as Commissioner to the Local Student Association.
Lastly, Tryfon Haitas, is a candidate under the extra – parliamentary Green Party in Oak Ridges – Markham, Ontario.
Greek Diaspora bodies are already taking action to support Greek politicians in the forthcoming Canada elections.