The newly-launched Fashion District is a new hub for London’s fashion industry and aims to return world-leading fashion manufacturing and design to Haringey and east London. The Fashion Tailoring Academy will be built in our borough next year – a state-of-the-art clothing manufacturing and training facility which provides specialist skills and training in the clothing manufacturing and fashion sector. This new hub will boost growth by providing thousands of new jobs, improving skills and job training, and new affordable workspaces.

Attendees at the event yesterday (see photo attached) included the Deputy Mayor for London, Vice Chancellor for the University of Arts & Head of London College of Fashion, Chief Executive for the London College, renowned fashion designers and Haringey’s Cllr Elin Weston.

“This is great news for our borough says Cllr Weston., and we’re very proud to be an integral part of the Fashion District initiative. We’re looking forward to the Fashion Tailoring Academy coming to Haringey next year – this new state-of-the-art clothing manufacturing and training facility will provide our young people with specialist skills and job training in the manufacturing and fashion sector.”

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