Below are the Ward crime stats for October. Motor vehicle crime was particularly high last month. However a prolific motor vehicle offender who lives locally was sent to prison last week and hopefully this will help stem the tide.
Burglary was low for most of the month but it picked up over the last few days of the month meaning that we ended with ten burglaries on the ward last month (which is still two less than October last year). This is of course now the season when the burglary rate traditionally goes up so please be extra cautious and alert over the next few weeks. I have once more put the link to our official and detailed burglary prevention advice below – 

Burglary is a serious issue, that’s why we are targeting burglars in London. This section of the website contains advice and helpful steps you can take to protect …


Unusually we also had two robberies on our ward last month. One occurred on Halloween evening and we were certainly not the only ward to have a robbery or an assault on that night. The other occurred in Hampden Square on 08th October. Three of the suspects for this robbery were located nearby by the victim’s father and were then promptly arrested by police officers.



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