Meet Andreas Aristoteous, working electrician for the past 60 odd years. Andreas is no spring chicken, in fact he is 77 years old, but when his son, Aristos is called out on a job Andreas comes too.

Why not? 60 years experience is still worth having, even in these days of computers and new technology and besides, says Andreas, what would be do with himself? Who wants to watch TV all day or drive their wives and children crazy?

Much better to come along with Aristos and make himself useful.

On being 70 told both Aristos and Andreas about their idea of turning retirement into ‘retyrement’ – give themselves a full MOT, including a lick of paint and shiny, new wheels if necessary and get out there, where and when they feel like it, and continue to add a little something to human experience.

They liked the idea. What about you? Do you resent the idea of bringing the age of retirement up a couple of years? Or does the very idea of ‘retiring’ scare the pants off you?
Being ovef 70 would love to hear. Meanwhile here are the Arisoteous boys – not bad. Not bad at all.

Source On being 70

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