Address by Christos Christofias, AKEL Nicosia-Kyrenia District Secretary at the bicommunal event against fascism organised by AKEL and CTP Nicosia
21 February 204
Comrades and friends,
The rapprochement of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots is based on solid foundations.
On the historical peaceful coexistence of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.
On the common class struggles waged that have resulted in gains for our working people.
On our common Cypriot culture, civilization and folk traditions.
But above all, it is based on our common conviction that the future generations must and indeed can live in peace and security in a reunited Cyprus.
However, among these deep roots of friendship between the two communities, there is another historical parameter. That of nationalism – chauvinism, fascism, which has soaked this land with rivers of blood. The fascism that continues to this day to cultivate and spread hatred and discord, seeking to convince us that partition is the best “solution” for the Cyprus problem.
In this country, we have bitter historical experience of the ideological concept of fascism.
Grivas’ fascist hooded men murdered our dear comrades in 1958, comrades such as Michalis Petrou, Ilias Tofaris and so many others.
Fascists of the Turkish Cypriot TMT organisation murdered Hikmet and Gurkan, Kavazoglu and Misiaouli.
Fascists from both communities murdered hundreds of our compatriots in the intercommunal clashes during the period 1963-64, in the villages of Kofinou and Tochni, during the EOKA B coup d’etat in 1974, in the villages of Aloa, Maratha and Santalari.
The fascists gave the “right” to imperialists to draw up the plans for the partition of Cyprus. The fascist’s actions led to the invasion of Turkey and the ongoing division of our country and people for fifty years.
As if the crimes committed by fascism back then were not enough, today we observe the rise of the political descendants of EOKA B and TMT today.
On the one hand, the rise of the far right within the Turkish Cypriot community has elevated partitionist Tatar to the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot community.
On the other hand, the neo-Nazi ELAM party seems to be gaining more and more political ground within the Greek Cypriot community.
Unrepentant, intolerant and thugs – In a word, fascists.
Fascism is exploiting the stagnation on the Cyprus problem and the perpetuation of the status quo to sow discord between the two communities.
It is investing in the fact that the young generation in the two communities do not have the same experiences of the period of peaceful coexistence.
It invests in the fear of the “other”, the “enemy”, who is on the other side of the barbed wire of division.
Fascism, as an ideology, is based on nationalism, on the notion of the “supremacy of the Nation” at the expense of others.
The Greek Cypriot fascists say Greece is their “Motherland” on the one hand, while Turkish Cypriot fascists proclaim Turkey as their “Motherland” on the other. And in the middle is Cyprus – wounded and divided.
The far right appeals to the lowest instincts of the people.
It exploits poverty and destitution that capitalism generates with its economic crises and wars.
It exploits immigration to erode people’s consciences with racism and xenophobia.
It systematically cultivates anti-communism and pursues the unhistorical and unscientific equation of communism with Nazism.
It expresses itself through populism and demagogy with the empty promises it makes to the working class and popular strata, while at the same time proving with many examples that it is the reserve force of the ruling elites in power.
In this political context, they appear to be gaining increasing influence throughout the world and especially in European countries. This is an additional reason why it is of utmost importance to strengthen the forces of progress in the upcoming European elections in June 2024.
Dear friends and comrades,
Together, in our common struggle, we can halt the rise of the far right.
We must continue organising events like today’s, with marches, mobilizations and enlightenment campaigns among the people and especially among the young generation.
Together, we can and must continue to fight for peace and the reunification of our country and people. We must continue the struggle to break the deadlock in the efforts to solve the Cyprus problem.
In the face of the two state solution advocated by Tatar and Erdogan, we insist on pursuing the solution of a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality as outlined by the Resolutions of the UN.
We insist on continuing the talks from where they had remained at Crans Montana, on the basis of the Guterres Framework and the safeguarding of the convergences that have been recorded so far.
To live in a Cyprus with its children, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, as the real masters!
For the Cyprus of the future!