Protest outside the Cyprus Presidential Palace on housing policy

Protest outside the Presidential Palace on housing policy

A symbolic protest outside the Presidential Palace was held today by AKEL Nicosia – Kyrenia District organisation and EDON Nicosia – Kyrenia, as part of AKEL’s Pancyprian campaign on the issue of housing policy under the slogan “HOUSING FOR ALL”.

The protest follows the dozens of activities that AKEL and EDON have organised since the campaign was launched to raise awareness about the very negative environment that has been created for a large section of Cypriot society as to people’s access to housing, as well as to promote the AKEL’s proposal for a comprehensive and socially-oriented housing policy for all.

The venue of the protest, outside the Presidential Palace, is not a coincidence, as the Cyprus economy’s developmental model and the policies implemented in recent years by the previous government and current government’s policy so far, have led to increasing difficulties in ensuring affordable and dignified housing, especially for vulnerable groups, young couples, students, elderly people, the low and middle classes. The risk of foreclosures, high rents, the difficulty in obtaining loans, the increases in the property sector, the energy crisis, and the gaps and shortcomings in housing schemes reflect this reality.

Through the campaign, AKEL has shown that it has the political will to address the issue for the benefit of our fellow citizens who need it more than ever, so that ensuring decent housing becomes a universal right. It is now the duty of this government to demonstrate the necessary political will. To this end, at today’s protest, a delegation delivered a memorandum to the President of the Republic.

Speakers at the event were the AKEL Nicosia-Kyrenia District Secretary Christos Christofides and EDON Nicosia-Kyrenia District Secretary Alkis Sylikiotis.

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