Cypriot school students can apply to shadow the British and Australian High Commissioners in Nicosia.

This spring, for the first time, the British and Australian High Commissioners will open their doors and their diaries to select Cypriot school students who will join a range of the High Commissioners’ meetings and events from 6th – 10th March 2023.

Successful ‘High Commissioners for the Week’ participants will be the guest-stars at a finale event on Monday 13th March 2023, Commonwealth Day 2023, at the British High Commissioner’s Residence in Nicosia. They will be invited to make a short presentation about their experience and what they’ve learned about diplomacy in the Commonwealth. Certificates will be presented by the High Commissioners in front of guests from the diplomatic, political and education sectors.

This programme will give students a rare chance to see behind the scenes of two very different diplomatic, and Commonwealth, missions here in Cyprus. The week’s activities will be tailored to the interests, and availability, of the participating students and will include political, cultural and diplomatic activities.

Who can apply

Students aged 15 to 18 years old from across Cyprus.

How to apply

You must submit a 2-minute video entry, or one-page written piece, on:

“What I would do in my first week as High Commissioner in London (UK) or Canberra (Australia)”

You can submit your application by email to [email protected] or through a direct message to @UKinCyprus on Twitter.

The deadline for applications is 11:59pm (local time) Monday 13 February, 2023.

Successful applicants must have permission to participate from their parent/guardian and school.

The British and Australian High Commissioners will select the top entrants who will be invited to join the week’s programme.

Good luck!

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