AKEL: Tatar’s reply to the President of the Republic a delirium of partitionist demands
23 June 2022, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia
Turkish Cypriot leader Tatar’s reply to President Anastasiades is a delirium of provocativeness and unacceptable partitionist demands. The puppet of the occupying power Turkey is demanding “sovereign equality”, the recognition of the illegal regime in the occupied areas and the burial of the solution of federation. Tatar’s demands are in conflict with international law, the framework set out by the Resolutions of the United Nations and the interests of the Cypriot people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.
It is no coincidence that a large part of the Turkish Cypriot community is also resisting the Erdogan-Tatar plans for a two state solution and the permanent partition of our island. The division of our homeland and the full incorporation of the occupied territories into Turkey will signal the beginning of the end of the Turkish Cypriot community itself and represent a new cycle of insecurity for all Cypriots. The militant resistance of the progressive forces of the Turkish Cypriots helps to keep the flame of hope for the reunification of our homeland, for our liberation from the occupation and division burning.
Everyone must understand that Tatar’s provocativeness feeds on the prolonged negotiating deadlock. The goal of the resumption of the talks on the agreed basis and framework is imperative because this will in practice nullify the plans for a change in the basis of the solution of the Cyprus problem and for any partitionist formula.

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