Omonia Youth FC in seven cup finals
Over the next two weeks, community grassroots football club Omonia Youth FC are involved in seven Cup Finals; a fantastic achievement for all those involved.
The Cup Final details are below. All the cup finals will be played at Harevester FC, Oaklands Lane, Smallford, AL4 0HR. The club, its players and coaches would be delighted if the community can come out and support the teams.
On Sunday 8 May, there are three finals. Michael Pieri and Jason Plysi’s Under 18 White will play in the Junior League Cup Final. Kick-off is at 9am. Chris and Jimmy Mousicos’s Under 18 Gold will play in the League Cup Final. Kick-off is also at 9am. Adam Demetri and Evagoras Mandrides’ Under 16 Silver will compete for the League Cup. Kick-off is at 11.30am.
On Sunday 15 May, there are four Cup Finals. Chris and Jimmy Mousicos’s Under 18 Gold will play their second cup final in two weeks as they compete for the Challenge Cup. Kick-off is at 9am. Adam Demetri and Evagoras Mandrides’ Under 16 Silver are also playing their second cup final as they compete for the Spring Cup. Kick-off is at 1pm. Two teams will be playing to complete a brilliant League and Cup Double. Bekim and Vas Demetri’s Under 13 Green are playing in the Spring Trophy. Kick-off is 1pm while Alex Christofi and Serkan Nihat’s Under 15 White compete for the Spring Plate. Kick-off is at 2pm.
The Men’s Team, who are sponsored by Crown Mobile Tyres and The Master Locksmith, will be hoping seven finals are eight as they play Panathinaikos in the KOPA Challenge Cup Semi-Final on Sunday 8 May. Kick-off is at 12pm. That match will take place at Enfield Grammar 3G pitch.
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