May Day demonstration in Nicosia made its way to Ledra Palace checkpoint, by Greek and Turkish Cypriot compatriots
The May Day demonstration in Nicosia made its way to the Ledra Palace checkpoint, marching along the wall of division and eventually passing into the buffer zone to converge and meet with the corresponding march held in the occupied part of Nicosia by our Turkish Cypriot compatriots, brothers and sisters. The heads of the two marches embrace each other as they arrive in the middle of the buffer zone. Slogans such as “Peace in Cyprus cannot be prevented!” unite Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, sending out in all directions, both inside and outside Cyprus, the powerful message that Cyprus is the common homeland of all its children, that we the Cypriot people want to be the real masters of their country, far from any foreign powers, “guardians-protectors” and dependencies. We want Cyprus to become an island of peace and cooperation with all the peoples of our region, not to be transformed into an aggressive NATO launching pad against the peoples.
The General Secretary of PEO Sotiroulla Charalambous addressed the assembled crowd. The Joint Declaration, signed by PEO and the Turkish Cypriot trade unions DEV-IS, KTAMS, KTOS, KTOEOS, BES, KOOP-SEN, DAU-SEN, was read out in Greek and Turkish.
A cultural programme followed with Cypriot and other songs performed by the Bi-communal C.hoir.
Yet again the People’s Movement of the Left and its mass organisations, have – as they have always done even in the most default and turbulent times – have shown the way forward: Yes we can not only live and work, but also struggle together! Yes, we do not compromise with the partitionist status quo! We shall continue struggling for the reunification of our common homeland and people which can only be achieved through the resumption of negotiations within the parameters of the agreed framework of the solution, namely the solution of bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality, in line with the UN Resolutions and its Charter and International Law.
The progressive and democratic forces in both communities will therefore intensify their efforts, initiatives and joint actions for the resumption of the talks based on the agreed framework and will seek to develop further the movement of rapprochement with a mass character and political content.
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