Help lift someone out of loneliness this Mental Health Awareness Week
Illustration: lift someone out of loneliness
It’s Mental Health Awareness Week External link (9-13 May) and this year’s theme is all about helping others out of loneliness. We encourage you to support others who might be feeling lonely.
We can all experience loneliness sometimes and it can be difficult to speak about. Reaching out and checking in with your friends and family can help them feel less lonely and might help you feel less lonely too. Try calling or texting a family member or friend, invite them for a walk or invite them to catch up over a cuppa.
Barnet has many free services available that can support you and even help you support others:
Andy’s Man Club External link offers free peer to peer talking groups for men.
Age UK’s Befriending Service External link for over 55s and Community Barnet’s Barnet Friends External link for 18-55s can help you meet new people and get involved with the community.
Zero Suicide Alliance External linkTraining for the confidence and skills you need to help others experiencing suicidal thoughts.
Kooth External link is an online community for 11-25 year olds experiencing issues with their mental health. For clinical services for young people visit Barnet’s Integrated Clinical Services. A full list of services on offer for children and young people can be found on our website.
For a full list of resources and support on offer, visit the Barnet Wellbeing Service External link.
Meridian Wellbeing External link are hosting a number of free to attend events to help tackle loneliness, taking place at the Meritage Centre, Church End, Hendon, NW4 4JT.
Mon 9 – Fri 13 May, daily: UNSPOKEN: An art exhibition created by students in further and higher education in the UK in response to their lived experience of attempted suicide. Hosted in partnership with Middlesex University and Public Health Barnet.
Tue 10 May, 11am-2pm: Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week with dance and tai chi workshops, networking, and lunch. Email [email protected] to register your attendance.
Fri 13 May, 11am-1pm: Pop into the Wellbeing Café for a cuppa and a chat, try your hand at table tennis and connect with new people.
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