Ferry link connecting Cyprus with Greece sets sail οn June 19 after over two decades
On the 19th of June citizens will be offered the alternative to travel to Greece by sea, with a ferry link connecting Cyprus and Greece after more than two decades.
The Cypriot-flagged passenger ferry M / V Daleela, was built in 1991 with a capacity of 400 passengers. It has 38 first class cabins for 110 passengers, 68 second class cabins for 180 passengers and 110 seats. In addition it can carry more than 100 vehicles.
The first trip of the M / V Daleela will take place on the 19 of June during a special ceremony at the port of Limassol, in the presence of the President of the Republic.
In statements on Friday, Deputy Minister for Shipping Vasilis Demetriades recalled that the last ferry link between the two countries was 21 years ago.
The Deputy Minister said that ticket prices will be lower than initial estimates. For a single trip the VIP cabin costs €50 per person, the first class single room €30 per person, the first class double room €25 and the 1st class quadruple €20 per person. Second class cabins cost €10 per person for a one way trip, while seats cost €8. Prices do not include taxes and port fees which are at €30.21 per person (for one way trip). The fare for children aged 4-12 years is €5 for a single trip while children up to four years will travel for free. Taxes and port fees in both cases are €23.06.
Vehicles up to 5 meters will cost €60 for a one-way trip plus taxes and port fees €41.72, for motorcycles the cost is €30 plus taxes and port fees €32.96. The company decided not to charge for bicycles, but there will be a fee of 47 cents, for a single trip, concerning taxes and port fees.
Passengers could bring along their pets on specific cabins, with a charge of €50. The ship will also have kennels that will cost €35 for a single trip.
On board there will be a restaurant, a cafeteria, a doctor’s office, a bar and children playgrounds, as well as a casino. Full meals will not exceed €12.
Reservations can be made through the Top Kinisis Travel beginning May 7th.
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