Barnet Council takes part in No Mow May to create wildlife-friendly greenspaces

Barnet Council is taking part in No Mow May to help make the environment better as we progress through spring. The national campaign, which encourages gardeners and landowners alike to leave their greenspaces uncut during May, aims to increase biodiversity and create havens for wildlife.

No Mow May
Throughout May, Barnet Council will not cut grass in many of the borough’s parks, greenspaces and roadside verges. In total, 26 parks and green spaces will be left uncut for a month. Barnet Council’s new administration want to work with residents to identify more spaces which can be permanently rewilded.

According to Plantlife, organisers of No Mow May, a three-acre meadow can be home to nine million flowers producing enough nectar to support ½ million bees every day.

Barnet’s No Mow May will help many creatures flourish that a lot of people don’t often think about – including bees, which help pollinate every crop that is the food source of humans.

Councillor Alan Schneiderman, Labour Group Lead on Environment & Climate Change, said: “Our green spaces are places that everyone should be able to enjoy. Of course, this includes our human residents, visitors, and workers – but our local wildlife are also vital, and they too make their homes here. We know that they can make their own way – but we want to look after them, and by extension, ourselves.”

Green spaces that will have no grass cutting for the month of May include parts of Friary Park, Victoria Recreation Ground and Bethune Park – among many other open spaces.

No Mow May is a national initiative by conservation charity Plantlife. For more information, visit External link.

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