Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain holds AGM
With 50 members in attendance, the 45th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Rizokarpasso held at the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood, North Finchley, was an opportunity to discuss the many challenges faced by Cyprus and the specific issues regarding Rizokarpasso, especially in relation to the plight of compatriots who have been enclaved for over 47 years. It was also an opportunity for members to discuss the activities of the Association and priorities for the upcoming year.
Maria Karaolis, the President, presented a report of the Association’s activities since the last Annual General Meeting showing that the pandemic had not prevented the Association and its members from engaging in political activities for Cyprus. During the pandemic, the Association has actively participated in the National Federation of Cypriots in UK “Hands of Cyprus” e-campaign; regularly sent letters to Members of Parliament and the media who had tried to promote illegally occupied north Cyprus; delivered a petition to the Prime Minister in Downing Street and; participated in demonstrations outside the Turkish Embassy. The President’s Report was followed by Andreas Gavrielides, the Treasurer, who presented the Financial Report and Pavlos Pavlou the Auditors Report.
The members then discussed issues and incidents impacting their home-town of Rizokarpasso, including the sale, by illegal migrants, of their illegally occupied Rizokarpasso properties to foreign buyers. In addition, members passed a Resolution to be sent to the UK Prime Minister, President of the USA, President of the European Commission, President of the European Council, President of the European Parliament, UN Secretary General, NATO Secretary General, Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Nations.
The meeting finished with all the members enjoying souvlakia and catching up with friends about their news, following two years of restricted life due to the pandemic when the members had not met.
Members also enjoyed a photograph exhibition of previous events including the last AGM, Summer outing to Eastbourne and Dinner and Dance in 2019, as well videos showing Rizokarpasso. It was also an opportunity for members to enjoy each other’s company and remember Rizokarpasso.
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