What is a loss adjuster and how do they affect my insurance claim?

Wondering what exactly a loss adjuster does? Below are answers to some common questions about the role of a loss adjuster and how they can affect your claim.

What does a home insurance adjuster do?
If you’re the victim of a burglary, fire or flood for example and make a large insurance claim, your insurance provider may hire a loss adjuster. They will assess the damage and make sure you’re claiming for the correct amount.
You might assume a loss adjuster is only interested in cutting the value of your claim. But they could find you’re claiming too little and increase the value of a pay-out.

What do loss adjusters look for?
After you make a claim, a loss adjuster will visit your property as soon as possible. Their first priority is to assess whether your insurance policy covers you for the loss. While they’re at your home, the loss adjuster will assess:
• the cause of the incident
• the value of the loss or damage
• whether you’ve met your insurance policy’s terms and conditions
• whether you’re claiming for the right amount
It is common for the loss adjuster to take photographs of any visible damage. This will support their findings and make sure your claim’s validity is not questioned later on.

Are loss adjusters impartial?
Loss adjusters work for your insurance provider. However, there are impartial industry bodies who set out codes of conduct they must adhere to. These are the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters, the General Insurance Standards Council and the Association of British Insurers.

What’s the difference between a loss adjuster and a loss assessor?
While loss adjusters are appointed by your insurance provider, a loss assessor is someone you can appoint to liaise with the loss adjuster on your behalf. Every policyholder has the right to appoint a loss assessor, although they tend to come on board when people are not happy with the way a claim is going.

What can I do to speed up the claim process?
You can help to speed up the claim process by giving your loss adjuster receipts for any lost or damaged items, as well as any emergency repair work you’ve had done.
It’s important not to throw anything away until you’ve spoken to your insurance provider and the loss adjuster has visited. Every example of damage is evidence supporting your claim.

Can a loss adjuster mean my claim is rejected?
In some circumstances, a loss adjuster can collect information that results in your insurance provider rejecting your claim.
Reasons for this might include:
• not having the right level of insurance cover
• withholding information
• the cause of your claim being wear and tear – something that isn’t covered by home insurance
• not adhering to the terms and conditions of your policy

To avoid having your insurance claim rejected, make sure you keep your home insurance policy up to date and have enough cover to suit your needs.

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