The progressive Women’s Movement of POGO and the Women’s Bureau of the Turkish Cypriot political party, the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) met with Lauren McAlister, Gender Officer of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP)
The progressive Women’s Movement of POGO and the Women’s Bureau of the Turkish Cypriot political party, the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) met with Lauren McAlister, Gender Officer of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) and Solveig Knudsen, on behalf of the Office of the Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Colin Stewart. On behalf of the POGO Women’s Movement, General Secretary Skeyi Koukoumas and Stavri Kalopsidiotou, member of the POGO Secretariat were present. On behalf of the Women’s Bureau of the Republican Turkish Party, President Sila Usuar and Doguz Derya were present.
The purpose of the meeting was to deliver the joint communiqué prepared on the occasion of 8 March by the two Women’s Organizations to the UN representatives. At the same time, the two women’s Organizations informed the representatives about the problems women face in the two communities.
The joint statement of the two Organizations expressed their anxiety, but also their determination to continue the struggle for the future of our country and people. The prolonged stagnation observed on the Cyprus problem is truly worrying and poses dangers. The absence of any meaningful negotiations and the prolonged deadlock could have damaging consequences for both communities. It was also stressed that the only feasible solution is Federation which opens up the prospect of a society of peace, justice and gender equality.
With the joint statement the two Organisations also underlined that peace cannot be maintained without the participation of women in the Cyprus negotiation procedures. The participation of women in the negotiations and peace processes is limited and the gender dimension has not been effectively taken into account in these processes. Towards this end, the necessary pressure will be exerted so that the presence and involvement of women in the negotiations and in the process of solving the Cyprus problem is substantial.
Within this context, an exchange of views took place on the Action Plan prepared by the bi-communal Technical Committee on Gender at the request of the UN Security Council. The Action Plan concerns the safeguarding of the full, equal and meaningful participation of women in the peace talks and the ways by which civil society cooperation can be promoted to strengthen bi-communal contacts and build trust.
The POGO Women’s Movement reaffirmed its readiness to contribute to the implementation of the Action Plan and that it will continue to work together with the CTP Women’s Organization with determination to achieve their common goals.
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