The General Meeting of the Organisation of Relatives of Missing Cypriots (UK)

General Meeting of the ORMC (UK)


The General Meeting of the Organisation of Relatives of Missing Cypriots (UK) will be held on Friday 29th April 2022, starting 8pm, at the Cypriot Community Centre, Earlham Grove, Wood Green N22.

ORMC (UK) was founded in April 1983. It’s aims and objectives are:

To Lobby those in a position to influence a resolution of the Cypriot Missing Persons problem.
To inform public opinion in the UK about the plight of the Missing of the Cyprus tragedy.

To co-ordinate the efforts of the relatives in the UK and all those that work towards a resolution.
To collect information that can lead to the discovery of the fate and whereabouts of any of the Missing Cypriots.

Members of the Organisation include all the relatives of the Cypriot Missing who accept and abide by the constitution; Persons who are not relatives of the Missing, irrespective of religion or nationality, who accept and abide by the constitution of the Organisation.

If you, or anybody you know, wishes to become a member, please get in touch by phone on 020 8805 6939, text 07718 801 889 or email [email protected]

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