The Cyprus government’s actions to involve third countries in the surveillance of the ‘Green Line’ is a problem
AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Giorgos Koukoumas:
The government’s actions to involve third countries in the surveillance of the ‘Green Line’ is a problem
18 April 2022, ‘Astra’ radio station
The government’s actions that give the impression that it is creating a hard border of two states with the occupied territories, either by ceding or by involving third states, such as Israel, in the task of monitoring the line of confrontation is creating a problem, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Giorgos Koukoumas told ‘Astra’ radio station.
Asked to comment on the government’s bill to establish a special surveillance team of special police officers to stop migration flows coming from the occupied territories, Giorgos Koukoumas said that the Israeli company that will install the surveillance system was involved in espionage cases and had repeatedly cooperated with Turkey.
Furthermore, the AKEL C.C. Spokesperson went on to add that questions are being raised about the procedure for awarding the bid to this company.
Regarding the reference made by the Interior Minister Nikos Nouris to FRONTEX taking over the surveillance of the ‘Green Line’, the AKEL C.C. Spokesperson pointed out that the migration issue cannot be tackled by the implementation of military-type measures or erection of barbed wires, but with the adoption of political decisions, such as the development of an asylum system that examines asylum applications in a very short time.
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