Statement by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL S.Stefanou on the Presidential Elections in Cyprus
The effort to reach an agreement with the Democratic Party (DIKO) to support a common candidate has unfortunately not yielded results.
This does not mean that the bridges of understanding with DIKO have been shattered, nor does it mean that we have abandoned our strategic goal of progressive change.
DIKO is a natural interlocutor of AKEL and we want to strengthen this relationship, especially in the parliamentary field, where we can offer our services effectively to citizens.
The overriding need for us is progressive change. In other words, the need to turn the page and move towards a new administration with an outlook serving people’s interests.
It is our wish to meet with opposition forces and society in this effort.
As AKEL we shall continue our contacts with political and social forces that believe in progressive change. This government must go, along with its policies, because the country and especially the young generation deserve better days.
Any candidacy that is a continuation of the Anastasiades-DISY party government will find us opposing it.
Change is not a figure of speech. It has substance and will soon have a name.
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