President Anastasiades emphasizes excellent and friendly bilateral relations between Cyprus and Portugal
The President of the Republic, Nicos Anastasiades, said that Cyprus and Portugal have excellent and friendly relations, during a formal ceremony held at the Presidential Palace on Thursday, receiving the credentials of the new Ambassador of Portugal, Vanda Maria Dias Stelzer Sequeira.
President Anastasiades emphasized the “excellent and friendly bilateral relations” between Cyprus and Portugal. “As southern partners, Cyprus and Portugal continue to work closely together in order to promote shared interests and address common challenges within the framework of the European Union”, he added.
Furthermore, President Anastasiades expressed his strong support and respect to the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. “What is of utmost importance at this point is to secure, through diplomacy and dialogue, the immediate ceasefire to stop the tragic loss of innocent lives”, he said, adding that Cyprus and its people have their own tragic experiences of foreign invasion, following the illegal Turkish military invasion and occupation since 1974.
He also expressed his deep appreciation for Portugal’s principled stance on the Cyprus issue and its consistent support on our efforts to reach a comprehensive settlement, based on a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation, with political equality as defined in UN resolutions. President Anastasiades pointed out that Turkey continues unabated with its illegal plans in the fenced area of Varosha, in full defiance of the relevant Security Council resolutions.
He stated that he remains focused in creating conducive conditions for the resumption of the negotiating process the soonest possible, by putting forward a proposal consisting of win-win and far-reaching Confidence Building Measures to end the ongoing impasse and pave the way for peace talks to resume.
President Anastasiades expressed his “strong commitment and determination to engage once again in results-oriented negotiations for a settlement on the Cyprus issue that will address the legitimate concerns and safeguard the rights of both sides”.
On her part, the new Ambassador of Portugal, Vanda Maria Dias Stelzer Sequeira, said that Portugal and Cyprus contribute to the richness and diversity of the European Union. “Portugal, as a bridge and pillar of the transatlantic and world-wide vision of Europe; Cyprus, at the crossroads of Europe, Middle East and Africa, as a meeting point for many of the world`s great civilizations“, she said.
Sequeira went on to say that both countries can strengthen their bilateral relations on the basis of their attachment to the sea, the desire to reach out beyond our geographical borders, and the strength of an identity that goes beyond the physical borders of the Nation and finds expression in communities of emigrants in other continents.
“I will do my utmost best to identify new opportunities for closer cooperation to make the relationship between Portugal and Cyprus more fruitful across a whole range of areas, both in traditional sectors, and in more technological and scientific areas such as digital technology, renewable energies and maritime science”, she pointed out.
“I am equally certain that our two countries will continue to strive for everything that unite us in the international context, above all the promotion of multilateralism, respect for human rights, dialogue and cooperation”, she added.
Sequeira said that Portugal believes “in the common goal of an independent, united Cyprus with sovereignty and territorial integrity, in line with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the laws and principles of the European Union. A secure, stable and prosperous Cyprus will undoubtedly benefit all Cypriots, as well as Europe and the entire eastern Mediterranean”.
She also pointed out that Portugal and Cyprus share a special relationship with the sea. Portugal encourages a strong participation of Cyprus in the 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference co-hosted by the Governments of Portugal and Kenya and seeking to propel much needed science-based innovative solutions aimed at starting a new chapter of global ocean action, she concluded.
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