“Honour and glory to our heroes”,”The Turkish Cypriots are not our enemies, the Turkish Cypriots are our brothers”, “Forward for a united and federal Cyprus”
From the mass and militant march of EDON Youth from Pera Chorio to Dali. Among the numerous slogans heard were “Honour and glory to our heroes”,”The Turkish Cypriots are not our enemies, the Turkish Cypriots are our brothers”, “Forward for a united and federal Cyprus”, “Cyprus belongs to its people”, “The fascists killed Kosta and Dervis – we are marching on the path they charted”, “Independence-Freedom-Democracy”, “Peace in Cyprus cannot be impeded”, (in Turkish), “A century of struggles and sacrifices – the Communist Party of Cyprus and AKEL at the forefront”, “EOKA B then – now its ELAM – the fascists are tools of the system”.
Several bands from Local Clubs of the Left participated in the march, together with banners from numerous organisations such as the bi-communal group “Dance For Peace”, POGO progressive women’s movement, the Progressive Student Movement and the Cyprus Peace Council.
The march was greeted by the crowd who had gathered outside the Local Club of the mass organisations of the Left in Dali, where the keynote speeches were delivered followed by a cultural programme.
After the keynote speeches were delivered, a march made its way to the Turkish Cypriot cemetry of Dali where comrade Dervis Ali Kavazoglou, a member of the Central Committee, is buried. The march passed through the streets of the Turkish Cypriot neighborhood of Dali which was a mixed village.
At the cemetery many wreaths were laid by various parties, organisations and movements including the Turkish Cypriot parties/movements of the Left.
We renewed once again our vow and determination to continue the struggle of our two martyrs, for a stronger AKEL and Peoples Movement, for the reunification of our common homeland and people, for a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality, for Cyprus to become a bridge of friendship and peace and not an aggressive launching pad for imperialism.
The common struggle continues to vindicate the sacrifices made by so many of our comrades and genuine patriots.
A thousand Kavazoglous and Mishaoulis will march on the same path!
Marathon runners, in honor of our two martyrs, ran from the Greek Cypriot cemetery of Konstantinou and Elenis in Nicosia where comrade Kostas Misaoulis is buried to the Turkish Cypriot cemetery where comrade Dervis Ali Kavazoglou is buried. Cyclists also made their own contribution by cycling to Dali.
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