Ezekias Papaioannou who gave his entire life to the cause of the Cypriot working class and people.
34 years have passed since the historic leader, former General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL Ezekias Papaioannou passed away. An exemplary people’s fighter who devoted literally his entire life to the cause of the Cypriot working class and people. A humble, principled and determined communist who inspired our people’s resistance to NATO’s plans and conspiracies to divide our people and country, in our struggle for freedom, independence and sovereignty, for peace, democracy and socialism.
A true patriot and internationalist, he became and an exemplary communist who whilst staunchly defending and upholding the identity, character, class orientation and fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism, at the same time as he strongly opposed dogmatism and ultra-leftism, applying our theory and outlook in a creative and dialectic way in the concrete conditions of Cyprus, rooted firmly in our specific reality, history, traditions and culture.
Ezekias Papaioannou fought a relentless struggle against nationalism-chauvinism, against bigotry, fascism and anti-communism, for the forging and development of a common anti-imperialist front of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots which is precisely why he was targeted by the reactionary circles both within and outside Cyprus.
His whole life serves as an inspiration to today’s young generation.
We honor his memory and vow to continue on the same path his struggle for the social emancipation of our working people, for the freedom, national independence and sovereignty of our homeland within the framework of a bizonal, bicommunal federation for the reunification of our country and people.
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