Cyprus President urges for global recognition of Armenian Genocide

President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades urged on Sunday for global recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

“Together with our Armenian brothers, we continue the struggle. The memory of the horrendous genocide must be kept alive. The cry echoing ‘never again’ is more pertinent today than ever” the President wrote in a message on twitter, to mark April 24, the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.

“The campaign for a global recognition of the Armenian Genocide is more urgent than ever” President Anastasiades concludes in his message.

Cyprus’ Foreign Ministry also posted a message on twitter, reaffirming Nicosia’s will to promote acknowledgement. 

“We bow in memory of the victims of Armenian Genocide. Cyprus reaffirms its commitment to promote the recognition of truth, the restoration of justice and the prevention of new genocides and crimes against humanity” the message reads.

In a separate statement, Presidential Commissioner Photis Photiou says that Greeks and Armenians lived through shared “moments of martyrdom” and Cyprus is one of the first countries in the world to recognize and condemn the Armenian genocide. He says finally that the country supports every effort to restore and recognize the “one and only historical truth.”

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