We sadly announce that UK Cypriot Adamos Pavlou Lambrou (ΠΕΚΚΟΣ) has passed away

Adamos Pavlou Lambrou (ΠΕΚΚΟΣ)

30.12.1941 – 25.03.2022

It is with a broken heart that we announce the death of our beloved father Adamos Pavlou Lambrou on 25th March 2022, age of 80 years old from Gaidouras Village in Cyprus. He leaves behind his sons Michael, Peter, Stefano and daughter Christiana, 13 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. Our father was very loved and respected in the Greek community. He was known for his passion to cook in his restaurants ‘’ TO FOURNAKI TOU ADAMOY’’ & ‘’ADAMOS TAVERNA’’, Where many people would gather just to hear his stories. The funeral will take place on Saturday 2nd April 2022, at St Mary’s Church (Panayia), Trinity Rd, Wood Green N22 8LB, at 10am. After which he will be laid to rest in Cyprus.

Our dad dedicated his life to his family. He would
always say to us ‘’Don’t’ be afraid. I’m by your side’’.
He was and always will be a true legend in our eyes.
It will never be the same without our Dad.
We love you Dad xx
Resting in peace now with his beloved son Paul xx

Με ραγισμένη καρδιά ανακοινώνουμε τον θάνατο του πολυαγαπημένου μας πατέρα Αδάμου Παύλου Λάμπρου στις 25 Μαρτίου 2022, σε ηλικία 80 ετών από το χωριό
Γαϊδουράς της Κύπρου. Αφήνει πίσω τους γιους του Μιχάλη, Πέτρο, Στέφανο και κόρη Χριστιάνα, 13 εγγόνια και
6 δισέγγονα. Ο πατέρας μας ήταν πολύ αγαπητός και σεβαστός στην ελληνική κοινότητα. Ήταν γνωστός για το πάθος του να μαγειρεύει στα εστιατόρια του ‘
’ TO FOURNAKI TOU ADAMOY’’ & ‘’ADAMOS TAVERNA’’. Εκεί που μαζευόταν πολύς κόσμος μόνο και μόνο για να ακούσει τις ιστορίες του. Η κηδεία θα τελεσθεί το Σάββατο 2 Απριλίου 2022, στην εκκλησία της Παναγιάς, Trinity Rd, Wood Greem N22 8LB, στις 10 π.μ. Η ταφή θα πραγματοποιηθεί στην Κύπρο.
Ο μπαμπάς μας αφιέρωσε τη ζωή του στην οικογένεια του. Πάντα μας έλεγε «Μην φοβάσαι». Είμαι στο πλευρό σου”. Ήταν και θα είναι πάντα ένας αληθινός θρύλος στα μάτια μας. Δεν θα είναι ποτέ το ίδιο χωρίς τον μπαμπά μας. Σε αγαπάμε μπαμπά xx. Αναπαύεται εν ειρήνη
τώρα με τον αγαπημένο σου γιο Paul xx.

Tribute to Adamos Pavlou Lambrou

Adamos Pavlou Lambrou was born 30th December 1941 in the village of Gaidouras, Famagusta District.the son of Pavlos and Panayiota Lambrou. He was the second oldest of five siblings Lambro, Taso, Adonis and Ellou.

He grew up in the village and attended elementary school and became a metal worker .

In 1965 he married Androulla from Famagusta and in 1969 he took the path of immigrating to the UK with their children.

Adamos and Androulla made Stoke Newington their first home. They both worked at a local dress factory Adamos as a presser and Androulla as a seamstress. They then went onto have three more children.
It was at this time he became active within the London Cypriot community and making himself popular and when the KOPA League was formed in 1975 he was a goal keeper for one of the founding teams Jigsaw.

His love for food and to give his family a more stable future he opened a restaurant in Green Lanes, Palmers Green called the Fournaki tou Adamou. Where he built up a respected name for tasty home cooking and his specialities and hear all his tales.

He later opened a restaurant in Princes Avenue called Adamos Taverna again it was a thriving restaurant.

Adamos Pavlou Lambrou sadly passed away on the 25th March 2022 at the age of 80 and leaves behind a legacy in his sons Michael, Peter, Stefano and daughter Christiana, 13 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. Sadly his son Paul passed away in 2019.

The UK Cypriot community have lost a legend he will be sorely missed.

Parikiaki extend their condolences to the family

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