Make-up matters

As we head into spring, it is the time to get out more into the beautiful scenes of the feel good summer ahead. It is good for us to venture out and appreciate what nature has to offer us – the beautiful sky, sun, a gentle breeze and listening to the birds amongst the trees and pastures. It is good for us, not only for some fresh air and to relax, but to absorb some of those natural sun rays of Vitamin D. The vitamin D will benefit our health in general, for strong bones, teeth, hair and nails, but it will also give us that gentle healthy glow on our skin that will radiate a warmth of summer presence. This in return will mean a much lesser amount of make-up is required during the spring and summer months, as nature will take care of the basic enhanced skin tone.
Get out and grab a little sunshine whenever possible; no need to bask all day in it, just enough to dose up on that Vitamin D and looking and feeling a little better. Everyone will need an amount to suit them according to their skin type, so for maybe a fair skinned person, 10-20 minutes may be ample, while a medium to darker skin tone may require a little more.
When a little summer sun has been caught on the facial area, foundation creams and powder can be almost eliminated, even those all over glow powders can sometimes be unnecessary, unlike in winter when we need all the help and assistance of colour to look sun kissed.
If you go out there and get naturally sun kissed, you may notice all that may be required is a little concealer for any blemished areas. So grab that concealing cream and just apply it sparingly on those uneven areas only. Allow the skin to breath on the remaining area as there shouldn’t really be a necessity for all over concealing. All you should need to do is apply some eyeliner, mascara and lip colour for a beautiful you.

Eyeliner is used to make the eyes stand out. It also gives the illusion of when the pupil of the eye dilates during arousal, which makes the appearance more attractive and even more appealing.
For day time, eyeliner needs to be more natural looking. It can be a brown or gentle soft charcoal grey black and doesn’t need to be applied on too thick. Apply a thin line on the top middle upper to outer corner of the eyelid near to the eye, gradually getting a little thicker towards the outer corner. Do the same on the lower line of the eye. On the inner corner, apply a softer or lighter colour of green or light brown. They are natural colours of eye colour and therefore will not look artificial. Blend gently with a blending brush or tip applicator; a cotton bud will do if you do not have the blending tools.
For the evening, use the same technique but use liquid eyeliner which is usually thicker and more dense in colour pigment and will most definitely draw attention to the defined eye area. The colours do not have to be blended out. The colours can be as previously stated for day time, if eyes are too close set or smaller, and all over black line if larger or to stand out fully. Using waterproof eyeliner in pencil or liquid form is a personal choice but makes the difference when trying to remove. Separate eye make-up remover may be necessary but worth it if you don’t want it to wear off quickly.

Day time mascara should also be a little more subtle than evening, so a soft gentle black or brown is adequate. Usually the top lashes are enhanced more than the lower lashes for the natural look.
For the evening, both top and lower lashes are brushed with a few thin coats of darker intense colour mascara to create a build-up of thicker looking lashes and help make those eyes really stand out. Of course waterproof is a personal choice.

Lip colour
For day, use lip colours that are close to natural lip colour like pinks or plums. Use a light line around the edges, leaning in or out according to desired lip shape, then fill with the colour, allow to dry and apply a transparent gloss.
For evening, stronger and bolder, matt or frosted shades can be applied such as shades of deeper plum, pink or siren reds. Once again line the outer lip, fill with colour and use an even lighter colour for the centre of the lips to give a pouted look. Use a transparent frosted gloss to add some luscious lustre.
Get glowing!
Facebook: Samsara Kyriakou

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