Father Spyridon is very honoured to have recently been ordained Archimandrite by his Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain

The Holy Cross and Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church, London is delighted to announce that Father Spyridon Papa Gabriel, has been honoured by the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain and has been promoted to the position of Archimandrite. He was ordained in a ceremony in February 2022, presided over by His Grace Bishop Iakovos Savva (of Claudioupolis) and by The Very Reverend Archimandrite Damianos Constantinou (Priest-in-Charge at the Greek Orthodox Church of St Catherine, Barnet).

Nicholas Karous, the Church Community President, said: ‘We are so pleased that our beloved Father Spyridon has been honoured in this way. He has been part of our church community since 1987 and is one of the most loved and respected members of our congregation. We are privileged to have him with us.’ The priest-in-charge at the church, Reverend Protopresbyter Vasileios Papathanasiou added, ‘It is a pleasure to serve with him for twelve years. He is always at my side when I need him’.

The Holy Cross and Archangel Michael Church Community will honour The Very Reverend Archimandrite Spyridon Papa Gabriel after the Sunday liturgy on 3rd April 2022. There will be a celebratory tea immediately after this event at the church hall. All our very welcome to attend.

Father Spyridon is very honoured to have recently been ordained Archimandrite and would like to thank His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas for his decision, and His Grace Bishop Iakovos Savva (of Claudioupolis) and The Very Reverend Archimandrite Damianos Constantinou for making this possible.

Father Spyridon has served the Holy Cross and Saint Michael Church in Golders Green since 1987 alongside the late Bishop Aristarchos Mavrakis of Zinoupoleos and for the last 10 years, he is still happy to serve the community alongside Father Vasileios Papathanasiou the priest-in-charge.

Father Spyridon has followed his father’s footsteps who was a priest in Cyprus in Larnaca, Livadhia village.  Father Spyridon has always been fully committed and devoted in serving the community with great passion especially during the pandemic providing support to people by phone.

Father Spyridon is also delighted to be receiving from the Mayor of Barnet on the 6th April a Certificate Scroll of Lifetime Achievement. This follows after he was awarded the London Borough of Barnet civic community award in 2007 for his services to the church and to the borough.

His only wish is that – he wishes his wife was still alive as he misses her a great deal. His wife (Presvidera Tasoulla Gabriel) passed away during the pandemic. Father Spyridon is very proud however of his daughter – Councillor Lisa Rutter (a councillor for 16 years and former Mayor of the Borough of Barnet) who is standing again in the local elections in May.

Father Spyridon is looking forward to continuing to serve the Holy Cross and Archangel Michael’s Greek Orthodox Community.



One response to “Father Spyridon is very honoured to have recently been ordained Archimandrite by his Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain”

  1. John Freeland Universal Peace Federation.uk www.upf.org says:

    Thankyou for the great work you are doing to encourage people in this time through your many sermons on you tube……As you rightly say there is no easy way to Christ but you are at least being realistic in your words and heart felt advice.

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