Cyprus Tourist arrivals at 43,944 in January 2022
Tourist arrivals in Cyprus in January 2022 reached 43,944 compared to 3,889 in January 2021, when Covid restrictive measures were in place and 85,622 tourist arrivals in January 2020.
According to data released by the Statistical Service of Cyprus, arrivals from Russia were the main source of tourism for January 2022, with a share of 14.6% (6,414) of total arrivals, followed by Greece with 14.0% (6,141), United Kingdom with 13% (5,708), Ukraine with 11.2% (4,942), Poland with 6.6% (2,890) and Israel with 6.3% (2,784).
Almost 60% of visitors stated that they came to Cyprus for holidays, 22.3% stated that they visited friends and relatives and 20.2% for business.
Respectively, in January 2021, 11.9% of visitors came to Cyprus for holidays, 26.3% visited friends or relatives and 61.8% visited Cyprus for business reasons, Cystat said.
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