Cyprus on Wednesday records 4 deaths, 4,704 new COVID-19 cases, while 153 patients are in hospital

Four deaths and 4,704 new COVID-19 cases were announced by Cyprus` Health Ministry on Wednesday.

The deaths concern one man, aged 70, who died on Wednesday and three women, aged 72, 89 and 86. The 72-year-old woman died on Wednesday, the 89-year-old on Monday and the 86-year-old on Sunday. This brings the total number of people who died from COVID-19 so far to 922.

There are 153 patients with COVID-19 in hospital, of whom 23 in serious condition: seven are intubated while 16 are being treated in high-dependency units. According to the Health Ministry, 52.32% of hospitalised patients are not vaccinated. Another 21 patients who are no longer infectuous, are still intubated, in intensive care units.

On Wednesday, 4,704 cases were detected among 83,366 tests – 4,193 PCR tests and 79,173 rapid tests – with a positivity rate of 5.64%. These concern 206 cases detected during contact tracing, 2,829 people found positive after testing on private initiative and 1,727 that emerged as part of the rapid testing programme of the Health Ministry. Of these, 1,372 cases were detected during testing at the mobile units, 97 in high schools, 95 as part of the ‘test-to-stay’ measure, three in special schools, 38 in nursing homes and 11 in closed structures.

The Health Ministry clarifies that the figures mentioned in the daily announcement are indicative and may vary based on the updated data in the National Epidemiological Risk Report published every second Friday.

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