We have a duty to keep on fighting for Cyprus reunification
We have a duty to carry on the struggle for reunification and to support every effort to exit the stalemate and resume the peace talks, House President Annita Demetriou said Sunday.
Delivering a speech at a memorial service for EOKA heroes, at the village of Deryneia, the House President said that we fight for a free country, with no occupation forces, guarantors and barbed wires, pointing out that the solution must be based on the UN resolutions and the EU acquis and should be just and viable for all the residents of Cyprus.
Demetriou condemned Turkey`s provocations and uncompromising stance as regards the fenced off town of Varosha and the Cyprus exclusive economic zone. She said that our side makes efforts to exit the impasse with confidence building measures and via the parliamentary diplomacy.
House President also said that we have a duty to safeguard that the legacy of our heroes keeps on living.
Cyprus remains divided since the 1974 Turkish invasion. Numerous rounds of talks under the aegis of the UN with the aim to reunite the island under a federal roof failed to yield results.
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