Submit your personalised messages for our new Memorial Woodland bench in Barnet!

We’re after sentimental messages from Barnet residents to be included on our new woodland bench. The bench will act as the focal point of our new Memorial Woodland opening in May, in Mill Hill Park (Flower Lane Extension).

memorial woodland bench

Your messages will be printed on the bench panels. See image for an example of the structure.

We’d like to hear from residents of all ages.

What to include:

A short personalised statement or poem on what the new Memorial Woodland will mean to you. For example, you could include memories of loved ones whose lives were sadly lost, a description of what Barnet means to you, or your vision for the new woodland.

Please keep your message to no more than 250 words. If you’d only like to include a line or two, that’s fine too.

Email your quotes and poems to [email protected]External link by no later than Sunday 20 Feb

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